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The healing journey

Your personality is shaped from your previous experience.

That is where 'healing' takes place.

Shock, trauma, indifference, anger, judgement is all bottled up in an emotional can...if your can is full it only takes a pin drop to throw you over the edge and for you to have an emotional attachment to something that...

Really doesn't matter.

How often are you 'angry' at a situation that you really cannot control?

Taking judgement or an opinion of someone else, that you know isn't correct about you...and taking it 'Personally'

Personally > Personality.

Take your mind back to all those instances when someone, or something has done you harm in the past and you had an emotional attachment.

When you rise above a situation, and 'step' over that situation - and give third person perspective advice to yourself.

You might say;

"Don't let that person affect you"

"Don't take it personally"

The personality of someone else, is there previous experiences. It's no excuse but unfortunately you might be on the receiving end of their unhappiness from their own experiences.

Don't take things personally

Don't judge others

Be true to your word

Always try your best

- Deepak Chopra

If everyone stick to these principles - Can you imagine how the different those people around you would be?

You can't change other people, you have to start on yourself - and those around you will start to heal also.

We had the things, we trained hard to better our appearance - internally we were always seeking more. The next thing to make us happy.

Happiness is within, once you work on yourself then all the the nice things you can buy, or do - will make you feel on top of the World.

Don't do it for other people, don't buy things for the 'image' or to 'fit in'. Do it for yourself.

"Mend your garden and the butterflies will come"

Create more headspace and you'll start doing things to better yourself. Not because guilt is making you feel like you have too...but because you want too.

Why the picture, why the advice?

I only give advice on my own experience, don't get me wrong...i've had a great life. It has had its challenges, we've been through the mill several times over. I just know i was chasing this dream - the problem with the chase, you don't really enjoy the ride as much.

The 6x businesses we owned, the debt we went into to buy a fancy car, the 'stuff' we accumulated, the relentless chase for 'more'. I know others are on the same path we were. I know it's not worth it...

When you start a healing'll notice a subtle shift in your motivation to eat well, move more, be kinder to others, not get angry at the World.

I hope you take this post with my best intention and you may sit back...and reflect a little bit.

What changes would you make in your life, to avoid creating more 'stress' for yourself?

This picture was from 15 years ago. I haven't trained in a year, i lost motivation and passion for training because business took over my life and i began to resent it.

I put pressure and guilt on myself, to look like this again - which actually pushed me further away from going back to the gym and training. When i let the guilt go and told myself to have a break and when the time is'll go back and fall in love with training again, you will.

That time came 4 weeks ago...

Lose the guilt, we always focus on the things we're not good at or what we should be 'doing'. Switching that with a more positive state and focusing on the good will naturally steer you towards doing things because you want too...rather than feel like you have too.

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