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The devil on your shoulder

A lot of us believe we are our 'thought' and our thought dictates our actions and beliefs.

Our thoughts are simply a defense mechanism in your brain. The constant 'look out' for danger.

You might be thinking 'well i need that', but you only need that in the moment of danger.

99.9% of the time, you are safe. Nothing is wrong, in the present moment.

Unfortunately the 'chatter' in our brain tells you otherwise.

It tells you;

*That people don't like you and you don't fit in because you were bullied in school.

*To not trust people, because you've been hurt in the past in a previous relationship.

*You're not confident, because you were laughed at when you answered a question wrongly.

Typically a personality trait that you're not fond of can be isolated to an 'experience of trauma' from the past. It may be deep in your sub conscious mind from when you were a child.

Notice that most of your thought don't anchor you in the present moment? IE they're always thoughts from the past or for the future. Therefore not serving you. If you quiet your mind you can pick out thoughts that will improve your life. (Mental clarity) Which is why meditation is 'SO' good for you.

We are in control of our brain, we can tell it to shut up. It's not in control of you.

You can interrupt the chatter by simply being mindful or a technique i like to use is called 'box breathing'.

Simple, effective, and takes 2xminutes:

3x second inhale, 3 second hold at the top, 3 second exhale, 3 second hold at the bottom. Repeat 10x times.

You will notice the chatter stops. You can't physically count, or notice your breath and notice the 'chatter' at the same time.

You...are in control. Not the other way around. When you know this, you can start reacting to a negative thought and process it.

Know it's not you, your brain is just trying to protect you.

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