A business owner – is a difficult position to be in. You are juggling a number of balls, invisible balls that those people around you don’t necessarily see. Your mind is a mess – you need focus but there are so many distractions within your business, it’s difficult to see the wood for the trees.
Being conscious – and full of thoughts, thoughts that aren’t actually serving you and your higher self. In order for you to be the business owner, entrepreneur and developer you need to quieten your mind. You are at the peak of your business and in order for your business to grow and develop, you need to grow and develop.
You have your own private office – to avoid distractions from others, but how do we stop the distractions of our own mind?
How can we expect our business to flourish when we are not flourishing ourselves? When we take little respect in our own mental and physical well-being, have little down time and driving our business forward on fumes. Investing in yourself is the biggest investment for your business.
Have you been on holiday and on the plane home – you have laser focus and create some amazing ideas which will in turn, turn your business around. Imagine that same laser focus – every single day?
Our corporate well-being retreats are designed to take the business owner or manager away from the business; to help quieten the mind and be given the motivation by our inspirational speakers to take your business to a new level.
Journaling, meditation, mindfulness, mental resilience, stress management – are important techniques we teach on our corporate retreats to help you get laser focus.
Being a business owner is a lonely place to be, unless you have a business partner – very few understand the difficulties you feel day in, day out. You will join an inner circle of motivated business owners inspiring one another.