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Know that in this moment, you are okay!

The vast majority of 'thought' and the negative emotions attached to those thoughts are usually tied to either the past or the future.

Suffering, shame, guilt, anger—these feelings are generally rooted in past experiences.

Fear and control often stem from worries about the future.

But what about this present moment? How do you feel? Because 99% of the time, in the present moment, you're okay.

Notice your thoughts—they are not you. They're the devil on your shoulder, whispering things that don’t serve you.

These thoughts are just 'protection' mechanisms, remnants from a time when they were necessary for survival, but they're not always helpful for the modern person.

Being mindful helps anchor you to the present moment.

One simple way to start practicing mindfulness is by going for a daily walk with no distractions.

Just you. Look for the beauty in nature: notice the white feathers, listen to the birds singing, and take in the grand trees that have stood for hundreds of years, holding so much wisdom.

Remember, peace and calm are always available to you in the present moment. By simply observing your thoughts without judgment and immersing yourself in the beauty around you, you reclaim your power.

You are okay, right here, right now.  

Your thoughts are not you. It's just your internal dialogue trying to control you. You control your thought, not the other way around.

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